So you've been accepted to Nightingale College. Congratulations.
You've probably got a lot of questions.
Luckily, there are a couple of orientations to help you get set up and ready to go before classes start.
The mandatory two week college readiness orientation seminar or cross must be completed prior to the start of the first academic semester of enrollment.
Cross consists of both online and on ground components which will help you understand college policies, procedures and resources, including the college catalog, which is an invaluable resource filled with information learners rights and responsibilities to help you know what you can expect from us and what we expect from you.
Technology, including how to access our learning management system, virtual library, Online Student Portal, and more safety and emergency procedures, along with cross learners are also required to attend the new learner welcome forum.
This is mandatory for all new learners on the first day of enrollment.
The new learner welcome forum is broadcast online and includes several quizzes to capture attendance and participation every semester, new learners in a specified geographic area are invited to participate in the new learner welcome forum in person for learners transitioning from general education to lower division nursing core courses, site specific orientation is scheduled prior to the first day of experiential learning activities at the assigned, supervised on ground field experiential or Sophie sites.
We're very excited for you to start your educational journey, and we're sure these orientations will help you begin with confidence and armed with all the information you need.