In order to complete your coursework at Nightingale College, you'll need to fulfill several credentialing requirements.
These credentials are crucial for access to the clinical locations where you'll complete your work each semester.
These include background checks, drug screening, immunizations, trainings and a handful of other requirements.
You'll want to have all these things completed 45 days before the semester kicks off.
That way, you'll be all set to dive into your on ground placements.
You'll need a current American Heart Association, basic life support certification.
Certification must be at the healthcare provider level and must include an in person component, online only.
Certifications will not be accepted.
Learners will also be required to provide proof of the following immunizations, tuberculosis, skin tests, varicella, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis, covid, influenza, please check the college catalog for more information about each of these immunizations.
You'll also need to pass a criminal background check. You'll receive instructions by email on how to schedule this.
Only background checks initiated by our third party vendor are valid and learners are responsible for covering the cost must be completed between 45 to 120 days prior to the start of the academic semester.
Next, you'll need to pass a 10 panel drug screening.
Again, must be completed between 45 to 120 days prior to the start of the academic semester, learners are responsible for the cost of the screening, depending on the specific course and the requirements of the site where you're assigned.
Failure to update or complete credentialing requirements by the deadline may result in an absence for the scheduled placement or a withdrawal from the course.
Learners must stop attending any experiential learning activity until compliance is regained.
These may include fingerprints, immunizations, screening processes or other documentation.
You will receive an email with instructions from credentialing to keep you aware of all credentialing requirements.
Staying on top of these will ensure a smooth and uninterrupted educational experience.