Nightingale College has developed a unique culture and language. Chances are, you've already run into a whole lot of acronyms and other terms you don't quite understand.
Before you begin your nursing school journey, please take a moment to review some of the terms and abbreviations you will come across and what they mean. You'll also find a list of these terms and others in your course catalog that you can refer to at any time.
First, let's talk about how we refer to people. A Nightingale, we don't use the word "student." Instead, we use the term "learner." One reason for this is because many of our learners are not just primarily students. They're working professionals. They're veterans. They're parents. They're complex human beings with a whole host of roles and responsibilities. No matter what your circumstance, we honor your commitment to bring learning into your life as a learner.
Similarly, we refer to our staff and faculty as "collaborators" instead of "employees."
The first acronym you'll likely need to know is "CROS." This stands for "College Ready Online Seminar." This is an asynchronous course, meaning unscheduled, do it on your own time, that must be completed by newly admitted learners before they begin classes.
Another key acronym for new learners is "LSS," or "Learner Support Services." This refers to mentors and strategists who helped learners navigate the college and access community resources. We encourage you to check in with your LSS strategist regularly.
Next, as you probably know, a key component of your education at Nightingale consists of various types of experiential learning. Let's go through some of these. "Experiential learning" is often referred to as "EL." It refers to non didactic components, including virtual and on-ground learning.
"AFE" is short for "Applied Field Experiences."
"DFC" stands for "Direct Focused Client Care," a term for on-ground clinical rotation assignments.
"IP" is short for "Integrative Practicum," a type of experiential learning, also known as preceptorship.
"SOFE" stands for "Supervised On Ground Field Experiences," that is assigned clinical rotations within nursing courses. This includes both DFCS and IPs.
And finally, "VCBC" or "Virtual Client-Based Care," a type of experiential learning that is conducted online.
I know it's a lot, but don't worry learner! Your LSS strategists can help you make sense of all your DFCS and VCBCs. Don't hesitate to ask! By the end of your first semester, you will be speaking Nightingalese with the best of them!