Prepare the sterile field as shown in the video skill, Establishing and Maintaining a Sterile Field. Prepare to pour the sterile solution. Verify the contents and expiration date of the solution. Place the empty sterile basin or container on the edge of the sterile table. Sterile kits have cups or molded plastic sections into which fluids can be poured. Keep the receptacle away from the one inch border of the sterile field as this area is not sterile. Ensure the empty container is labeled. At a minimum, the label should include the name, concentration, and amount of the solution. Use an upward motion to remove the sterile seal and cap from the bottle. Hold the solution bottle away from the sterile field with the label facing the palm of your hand, and the lip of the bottle two point five to five centimeters (one to two inches) above the inside of the sterile receptacle. Slowly pour the necessary amount of solution into the container. Do not permit fluid to splash onto the sterile field. This may cause a strikethrough and contaminate the entire sterile field. Do not recap the bottle. Discard the remaining liquid in the container at the end of the procedure. Once the solution has been poured, proceed with the sterile procedure.